If you would like to send me suggestions as to how to keep my paitence that would be wonderful! Plantsandanimals@gmail.com
thank you.
By this I mean when they get so mad and they scream and then all of them copy each other and they won't listen to anything and continue to scream. This is normal for child behavior.
I look back to my childhood and remember one time when I was at the pool and my dad told me to get out and I wouldn't. If you know my father than you know the defintion of paitence. I was too far away for him to grab me and it was one of the three times in my whole life I remember him getting mad - he got in the pool after me and got me out.
Its funny now yes.
I am sorry papa. But on the plus side you never got mad so when you did it was obvious we pushed your button. You used reason and talked to us about the situation. You never said "because I said so". When we asked why you gave a reason and I feel that is very good.
But this 6 days a week and only one time I get to sleep in. Sunday morning. I came into this with the agreement that I had weekends free. I checked this also on the original email about the family "weekends libre" - libre, as in liberated; aka free. Thank you latin.
Here are some happy pictures of us having a tea party, Ines got into some sequins and the view of the moon from my window.
why do you have to sleep in?
i thought that you only work nights?
maybe only sunday is the weekend in french? haha. shoot, i love you.
also, when i try to keep my patience, i just turn away from the kids, ignore them almost, and start doing something else. sometimes they can't handle it and get very angry, sometimes it shuts them up. you try.
i love you. love caitlin
Annie your my hero, going from no kids, to four little ones!? That's much more intense than one sleeping baby ;) Um...can you please post more of your adventures, I feel like very exciting things must be happening if your not posting...let's here it! We need to get on skype soon too! We miss you and love you! jas
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