Monday, September 29, 2008


Ah oui mon premier jour de ecole!
bon bon bon
mon professor est un petit homme et tres amusant.
From this moment forward I vow to speek only french. Oui.
I will let you know how that goes...

I got two new pairs of shoes and wearing them in is difficult. I don't like the look of new shoes... its like when you just get a hair cut... they just look odd...
SO when I walk around and think no one is looking I kick and scruff my feet.
I feel very french in them because everyone wears boots with tights.
boots tights and shorts with a baggy button up t-shirt.
tres typical.

Why is traveling so freaking expensive? Squrew you eurostar.

pictures; pic nic with too much food avec Josephine.
Thibault - When I stare at him and when he talks it is obvious that he is going to be a heart throb when he is older.
And the lovely view from Josephines window.
tres tres tres bon.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Blog Happy

So walking along my inncocent way through town I was talking to my friend Josephine on the phone and WOOOOOOSH, a gust of perverted french wind blew my skirt up and gave passers by quiet the show.
And I made a home made pizza. yuuuum. Charlotte liked it a lot and even though Camille said she didnt... has four slices... but we figured out it was the crust she didnt like.

The Belgians sure do know how to make delcious beer. However not as good as Portland.

My next destination - JAPAN - why?

Little Artist

Sweet Camille drew a picture of me riding a unicorn!

Thursday, September 25, 2008


SUCCESS. internet has arrived and I have been getting my fill from these past few hours. Which means I have been doing nothing really. But Ole Papa bear and I had a lovely chat on skype and we will be continueing this chat in a few hours time.
So now I have no excuse for not staying in touch with anyone. And I will be able to update my blog whenever I want.
So, I will give you an overview of my daily life in France/Saint Germain en Laye.
I wake up at 7:00 am on average and set the table for breakfast by 7:30. This consists of cereal for the children and Croc Meusli for me. OH its good. Valerie (the nanny) brought a glass jar of fresh squeezed cow milk the other day. It had a nutty flavor - I felt healthy drinking it... maybe because my homo erectus sensor was telling me it was high in fat?
I will have some coffee or tea.. depending on the state of my throat... dairy has become a vice for me...
The children go off to school and my day begins. I sometimes fall back asleep but mostly I work on my photo album which is itchingly close to being done. I have a lot of writing to do but I have made a lot of head way.
The days have been getting more interesting as I go into Paris to meet a Swedish freind or two - Josephine or Joanna or both.
Ah the metro ride. There is actually the metro and the RER - and I take the RER but its basically the same thing. I walk through my ally way and through the town to the station where a train is always waiting as its the last stop on the line. And there is always plenty of seats.

There really isn't a homeless population here. There is the occaisional Roma that asks for money I am assuming but I dont know french. And they don't approach you. On the metro they get between the cars and announce something - their story and why they need money. Or I have seen a few different people put nicely typed cards on the seats or windows and then come back around and pick them up. This took me a few times to figure out what they were doing but I guess its a polite way to ask for money while describing their story. Why they aren't taking this time to get a job beats me but maybe it explains it all on the card?
And walking through the metro underground there are plenty of poeple playing music. A lot of accordian players! I want to give them money to go to Portland - they would make BANK.
It's no lie, the baguette is truley a masterpiece of not only taste but sound. The crunch of breaking a peiece off acts as the bell of Pavlovs dog - my mouth begins to salavate. They range from 1.10 euros to .80 cents. So along my walks home or to town I can just pop into a shop
"Une Baguette si-vous-plait"?
"Bonne Journe"
"Bonne Journe"
You can see plenty of men and women walking down the street, baguette cluched closely to their person with little sections nibbled off.
It is very clean here but not in an annoying sterile way. Just nicely maintained.
Everyone is atractive it seems. Even the children are so nicely dressed.
Picking the kids up is very fun. I return home from my day by 4 and put together their "De gutay" that is not how you spell it but its the best way to spell it for proper pronounciation.
This is their snack that they get right after school as it has been four hours since lunch and they are hungry. This is usually a section of baguette with nutella or honey. or some cakes as they say but they are sweet crakcers. or cookies. and then a banana or sliced apples.
I used to hate picking the kids up but now I am used to it and it goes along very well and we get home safely.
Thibault has a deep fascination with cars so it takes some time to ge home because he just stops and stares at cars driving or a motorcycle. its very cute.
So I need to take more pictures of my daily adventures and post them here.
But looky here! A video I made oof the house. The lighting was bad so I look odd i think in this but whatever.

Appropriate French Comics

Toothpaste for dinner, Natalie D and Married to the Sea.
Check them out.

Charlotte Reads!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Lucky Frogs

So I attempted to see Annelies this weekend in Brussels yesterday (Saturday). I woke up early and to take the metro to the train station and after waiting in the wrong line and than the correct line found that the Eurostar is expensive. Yes I was warned if this from Sarah before hand but I am the type that needs to discover it myself. But now I know how to get to the train station so not all is lost! I had my favorite lovely leather back pack prepared for the trip with a baguette, bread, water, two bananas, an apple, a bottle of wine I meant to give to Annelies as a thank you for having me and three yogurts (sweet Valerie, the nanny, bought me three different kinds of soy yogurt! Plain, berry and chocolate, the chocolate is DELISOUS, the berry is gritty and the plain is… plain… its tastes like soy... but gritty and not so good. I was ecstatic when she showed me them when she returned from the Monoprix (supermarket). I had mentioned a week or so ago that I have a slight allergy to dairy and these past few weeks of eating loads of delicious yogurt, cheese and muesli with milk has taken a toll on my throat, giving me a lot of phlegm… ew yes. But what a thoughtful thing from her! She got like 42949037 billion points for that).

So I was rather prepared for the day and ventured to Paris to meet Sophie, my lady Sibel’s husband’s daughter. We met at the Arc de Triumph (not a good first meeting place as there are thousands of people there on Saturday) and meandered the streets of Paris. We made it to the opera house and sat on the stairs and shared my various foods. Than we continued our walk and found ourselves in a park, an ally way street thing that was filled with people and interesting shops. Than we found ourselves at the Louvre. We walked through the park and decided to have a picnic at the Eifel Tower. We went to a shop at got some Camembert cheese, two apples and a small dainty mug for the wine. Oh yes and a bottle opener which will remain in my bag to rescue me from those annoying moments when a bottle opener cannot be found… oh yes and for protection (wink wink). We stayed at the Eifel Tower till it was glowing its blue lights and called my Swedish ladies to rendez-vous and find some bars.

The night scene is very different and now I understand the stress that is created because of the dog like behavior of the European men. I cannot count the number of them who bothered us if we stood still too long in a place. What we couldn’t understand is why they do it. Logically if you are a gentleman and don’t go in for the attack you will be a lot more lucky with your numbers if you know what I mean. Leave something to be desired please.

We found the metro to take it to meet our other ladies at a place called CafĂ© Oz. We learned a very good lesson in the metro station; Caroline did not have a ticket and it was very busy so we figured she could just follow close behind me when I went through – yes cheat the metro station as everyone else does and I see everyday get away with jumping over the gate and not getting caught. Well yes we picked the wrong station to do this and we were caught by a bitter short fat lady and we had to pitch in on the 50 dollar fine or they would call the police… So after so tears of stress we pulled ourselves together and continued our night. Caroline found an ATM and paid us back. She called her mother who gave some consoling words. We found Josephine and Eda talking to two French ladies who hoped to get us in and their group of French boys without paying the annoying 10 dollar cover charge. But this failed and we left with the Frenchies to the Bastille district. We wandered a packed ally way of drunks and PDAers (public displays of affection). There are a lot of very attractive couples in France who will continue the breeding of beautiful French children.

Sophie and I became irritated at the length of time it was taking to find a decent club to go into. So we slipped away from the group for a bit and entered a cramped bar for some whiskey shots and a beer. The oh so nice and attractive bar tender gave us two extra shots (the two shots and two beers was 14 euros… ick.. tres cher as they say). Sophie says this is the way they say “oh your cute”.

After a bit we called the group and found them at a nice place and enjoyed some more shots and a beer. We talked in French about where we live, my four children and their behavior and various other topics. They were very nice and when we were finally kicked out at 2 am we exchanged numbers with the French ladies!

Sophie and I took a bus to her apartment. A very cute and typical French apartment, she shared a bedroom with her roommate who had left for the weekend to Nancy to see a friend so I got to sleep in a bed that was more my size. The bedroom itself is big enough for a full bed but two twin beds are side by side nice and snug. We awoke at 12 in the afternoon and enjoyed some coffee while chatting, surfing the internet on facebook, blogspot and other websites. Around three I returned to Saint Germaine and ordered a crepe with nuttella from a jolly old man who had a stand in an island in the street. Oh it was GOOD to say the least.

Overall the day with Sophie has left me feeling revived and refreshed. I am not alone in feeling homesick in a different way. Homesick for the friends I had and social activities that went on. I miss our gatherings at various homes and apartments. We shared stories of outings and everyday activities. Sophie misses dunken donuts and being able to enjoy a warm one at 2 am when they are just delivering the batches. I miss being able to buy good beer and share nights with my girls and guys. Knowing your way around a town and a night out not costing over 50 dollars (yes just in that one day I spent over 50 euros… during my metro ride back home it occurred to me and oh I had a big sinking feeling… that can’t be a recurring thing especially when I only make 80 euros a week. But yes thank you for 2 euros bottles of nasty vinegar wine… just kidding I will not sink that low.) There is guilt for missing home here. Because I am in Paris. Holy mother of Jesus I am in freaking Paris man. Why am I trying to get away from here and travel so much? I forget how young I am sometimes and the immense amount of time I still have to look forward to. Enjoy this habitat of lushness and flavor. Learn this place, its ins and outs. That feeling that I had been missin’ this time is returning. That overwhelming joy I had for every microscopic thing. In one night I met some French people and I will continue to push to meet everyone I possibly can from this point till I leave.

I have to mention. I have been constantly hungry since I have been here. The Swedish girls said they found themselves that way too. Maybe because my body is in a new place and it says “OH SHIT EAT! Load some layers, SURVIVAL OF THE FATEST”… that is my idea. Because it doesn’t know what’s going on? Oh but the crackers, I have been chowing down on the kids snack crackers that they get after school. They are called petit beurre – little butters. The baguette is amazing. The sound (have you seen Ratatouille? Caitlin I know you have. The lady describes the baguette very well here. Yes Sophie and I have been cultured from a cartoon about a rat chef). The yogurt is divine. The cheese and home made meals. No kidding my mouth has cuts and sores from all that I have been eating (good thing it’s the fastest healing part in our bodies besides our eyes). Or maybe the French really don’t eat that much? And I pig out till my belly has reached its full extent. Try the grapes; even they are so rich with flavor I can’t stop with just one.

I am very happy that I have come to live with a family that has its fridge and cupboards overflowing with goodness at my appetites disposal. Take that Nick! Now who’s the big eater huh?

Oh I love my life. I am excited to see what I will miss the most when I leave.

ok so I am learning to use this silly bloggerMCStupidSpot thing. the pictures are out of order. deal.


Wednesday, September 10, 2008


If you would like to send me suggestions as to how to keep my paitence that would be wonderful!
thank you.
By this I mean when they get so mad and they scream and then all of them copy each other and they won't listen to anything and continue to scream. This is normal for child behavior.
I look back to my childhood and remember one time when I was at the pool and my dad told me to get out and I wouldn't. If you know my father than you know the defintion of paitence. I was too far away for him to grab me and it was one of the three times in my whole life I remember him getting mad - he got in the pool after me and got me out.
Its funny now yes.
I am sorry papa. But on the plus side you never got mad so when you did it was obvious we pushed your button. You used reason and talked to us about the situation. You never said "because I said so". When we asked why you gave a reason and I feel that is very good.
But this 6 days a week and only one time I get to sleep in. Sunday morning. I came into this with the agreement that I had weekends free. I checked this also on the original email about the family "weekends libre" - libre, as in liberated; aka free. Thank you latin.
Here are some happy pictures of us having a tea party, Ines got into some sequins and the view of the moon from my window.


Monday, September 8, 2008

There's a place in france where the naked ladies dance...

... there's a whole in the wall where I love to watch it all

I was walking down the street's of Saint Germain this afternoon singing that song in my head. I love it so! I am almost finished with the most exellent book; My Family and Other Animals.
I sugjest reading the book first and then seeing the moving - which is faboulous as well.

(my spelling has lost me again tonight)
I sat at my, now, favorite cafe; le crocodile, reading that book and laughing. Really you read it and you can't help but laugh out load... to your self. The oh so gentlmanly server walked by many times and notcied my smiling face yes.
I sit, now, outside on the porch after having a conversation with my mother on the phone and my love, jules. Tonight I feel very good.
I have been having some problems with the kids which I didnt want to mention on here... I wanted to keep up a happy note but I must admit... they are difficult. Could it be the large amounts of surgar intake? je n'ai sais pas... (idontknow).
no they do not listen at all. i had a 'wonderful' walk with them with the other nanny where both of us could not control them AT ALL... well Camille the oldest who adores pestering both her brother and sister and doing what you tell her not to do. She actually was throwing rocks at charlotte while both Vallerie and I told her to stop. Than she contuined even after I told her I would not college with her for a week (which she resposned 'i can college alone' - and yes she will if she wants to I WILL HOLD MY GROUND). And then I had the lovely expirence of having some rocks "inadvertantly" thrown at my feet.
but tonight was different. yes. there was something different I have to admit. I didnt feel like running away and smoking a pack of ciggarettes for the first time. Instead I had an icecream bar and after cleaned the kitched relaxed and phoned mama and jules with a lovely mini bottle of wine and felt calm. (yes you didnt know that i was having wine during that conversation did you mama? HAHAHAHAHAHHA)
I have been writing in my now 'french journal' for the past few days of my mood. they have been meloncoly and stressed entrys. I was at a loss of what to do... I have been so used to having a sense of control and direction but now in a new place... yes it is so new... the culture the mood the micro scopic everthing is different. I have been having troubles absorbing it and what I am feeling is something so new that I don't know how to cope with it.
Is this normal I ask...
but there is no one to respond.
I find that I need attention... or at least connection.. companionship.
I want to share so much with someone that it is building up.
I have a hard time keeping direction in this entry.
My converstion with mama this evening was the situation here. The original schedual that I understood has change.. what I understood upon coming here was that I wokred monday - firday and had my weekends free. wednesday all day because the kids and I both dont have school. But now; I have wednedays morning and afternoon free and work saturday 8:3o till 1. This is limiting to weekend trips and is hard for me to recouporate from the week and be refreshed in the morning. The family is not organized... and that is an understatement. If you know my mother than you will know the definition of organized (too bad I cannot say to look her up in the dictionary and you will find her... no you will find the defition of organized. but that is my mother). And I am organized in an odd sence...
My mother made a good point that Sarah probably forgot the original agreement which we now have to find and make sure we are correct.
so that is that in a nutshell of our conversation.
Jules and I had a short conversation.. Sarah needed her phone.
But it was a happy and joyful one to say the least. I thought I could possibly reach her because she is a nanny for a sweet baby boy named... well we call him moe. I heard his sweet chimes of hello in the background. I am happy to hear that she misses me as much as I miss her.
It would be nice to be able to call other but once my internet is consisitent (which will be soon yes) I will have more consisent contact.

So this is my post for the time that i have found internet.
I just looked around and found that I am completely in the dark and if you know me... I am not a fan of the dark (my going away surprise party can prove this...)
oh yes and my toushie is num
So now I go to my room to college my album that is almost done!
I will probably watch Diva. - you should watch that movie. it is a very good movie and now that I am in franch I see that it is a very good depiction of french...ness.
i love you all so much
thanks for reading my stuff
love love love
beacoup love


Saturday, September 6, 2008

a nuit

So today?
I met another au pair.
Her name is Joanna. she is swedish. We went to a open house for the sports in the area to ask questions and thoes sorts of things. I am not a sport person but see that sports are very big here. I am not a sport person... I have tried many but I am not the competitive type. Je suis une artist. (Today my spelling has been bad today... and I don't know why)
The other open house for other activities isn't for another two weeks - I will attend that one and find my place - oui?
Joanna and I went to the grand jardin (big garden) of Saint Germain and talked for a long time. I asked her what were the prejduces of american culture and she said the usual that we all know... ; we eat a lot (side note....miss europen has gone to mcdonals twice since she is been here..) we are 'vain' (yes I am... yes mom I heard you singing the song in my head ' your so vain ) and I talked a lot about my lovely portland. I miss it so!. we are not active, 'sluty' for lack of a better word and ignorant to what is happening in the world.
most of what she has developed of american cultur is from television and cinema. (I curse you sex and the city.)
I went to some cafe's tonight and when I asked for a beer they served me highnken... ok the the french are known for their wine yes but improve the beer. I bet it would AMAZING. really think about that.
I have learned a lot today about who I am and where I am from. That would be hard to explain over a blog, but better of tea or coffee... or wine... or beer...
I crave conversation.
Tomorrow I meet with Sophie. My Turikish friend Sibel's step daughter.
I also contacted some people from couch surfers and will hopfully
rendez vous with they soon. In talking with Sarah about my plans she said "you have made quiet the social network already". Which I am proud of.

my internet connect is bipolor tonight.
no wind thank god.
(in case you don't know I have to steel internet outside. )

love love love
beacoup love


Friday, September 5, 2008

Aujourd hui

Even the animals know french!
Roosters crow with the most percise french accent!

I had the most wonderful skype concersation with my papa just now. It was so refreshing to see his face and watch him laugh. I even got to see sophie....
no Mia though. she is terrozing the neighborhood as usual.
The wind is a mad man tonight!

love love


Thursday, September 4, 2008

Je suis ici.

Finally. I found internet. They have just moved into this new house that is lovely but the workers are still not done with it so they are here during the day banging and pounding and making all sorts of noise. They have a lot to do to get organized and haven't yet been able to hook up the internet. Sarah is very busy (work, talking withe the painters, contracters every day and FOUR CHILDREN) and Jean-Phillipe works from 9 (or eailer) to mostly 10... very long hours. And he takes many busniess trips.
I don't know if it was different before but it is a lot for the kids to take, new house, new school, new au pair. A lot coming at them. But each day has been getting better. The hardest is at night puting them to bed. Maybe because we eat dinner with sweets right before hand...? I am excited to meet other au pairs and see the simularties in the families and differences. The kids eat a lot of 'sweeties' as they call them. I like that. For dinner the other night they got crepes with honey and nutella. But usually we get pasta and a vegetable. But desert is a must have and contains a lot of sugar, but to give some credit yes they will have grapes or prunes for desert which they love. For breakfast; muesli for me and yogurt with honey... and yes a cup of coffee. The kids usually coco crunchies cerial, and yogurt.
Lunch is big, usually the same deal as dinner, a main course and a vegetable and of course a desert. And yes. yogurt. Yogurt is at every meal and between meals and snaks. yogurt yogurt yogurt. Sarah told me to go to the Monoprix (supermarket) and look at the yogurt section - its emense and all very very delcious.
I pick the children up from school and bring them a snack - a chocolate busicuts and pomme compot (apple juice).
The town is very lovely but laid out differently than home of course - and for me with my odd sence of direction get lost very eaisly. It takes me a while to find a place and I have given in to useing my Saint Germain map. Today I was particularly dertermind to find internet and when I went to the Biblioteque it was closed and in reading the sign for the times I took that it opened at 12. So I went back to the house and waited. In returning, apprently it is closed on thuresdays. So I went in search for the office de toursime - cloesd as well.
Today actually I woke up at 5:30 to got to Versaille to get my appointment for my long term stay card - this is the system; I had to get on the 6:30 bus and take it to the last stop, about 30 minutes. Than I found the building and waited in line for it to open at 8:30, yes there was already a long line at 7:30. I read my book and waited. and waited. and waited. Than they slowly allow you in 3-4 at a time to than wait in another line. Than I got a number to wait in another line to make the appintment which isn't untill october 2nd. yes. i know.
My french has improved a lot in just a week. It doesnt feel like a week but it doesn't feel like a long time eaither. Sarah - the mother- found a phone at the house that I can use but I have to pre pay it. But I can reseve phone calls which I think is really cool.
If you want the number email me and ask me

So I guess the family yes? The kids are very sweet. I showed Camille my photo album and collaging and now everyday she askes "annie can we college?" she loves cutting out all sorts of things and telling me how she can use them and where she will put it and how nice it looks.
Charlotte, age five,throws A LOT of tantrums. a lot. She screams very loud, meerly a bump on the leg will set her off. But she also can be the sweetest thing. She came up to the me the other day and pulled me down to give me a kiss on the cheek. She likes to have her way a lot and have controll. I am not sure yet what she is into so I have been trying to find out. When Camille and I college she doesn't like to do it or will get frustrated.
Both girls a very good at their english. Actually I try to get them to speak to me in french but they usually just switch back. Its amazing to watch them, they will talk to each other or Thibault or mom and dad or the other nanny in french but switch so eaisly to me in english. Their brain just knows and its really amazing - they dont know how good it is now and how hard it would be later.
Thibault is in his own world most of the time. He also throws a lot of tantrums, taking things off counters and throwing them on the floor, making high pitched screaching noises and continues for a long time. I found that its a bad idea to look at him while he does this, he gets very mad when you look at him when hes upset. He loves loves loves cars and planes. He can entertain himself with one toy for a long time making car noises and going around the room. He doesnt like to speak english and understands a little. I am trying to teach him the 'head, shoulders knees and toes' song. The funniest thing I found the other day with him was in the bath. He was playing with some toys and I wanted to take a picture. I had to call his name several times but once he looked up and saw I had the camera pointing at him he smiles big.
Ines! Oh Ines! The sweetest tiny little baby. She is so easy and so advanced for her age. It amazes me so much. She is very very very independent. As long as I close the doors and keep an eye on her she can just walk around the room looking at things. If she wants something she may cry but its usually just to be held or food or drink. Once given to her she immediantly stops. And she is so sweet when you hold her. She snuggles her head into my kneck and shoulder. She loves to be kissed. She is also incredibly photogetic as you can see below.
Sarah the mother is amazing. I really had no idea these kids were going to be hard. Not that I expected it to be easy but the tantrums really wear on me after a while - mostly I get stressed out. But I bet my mom reading this isnt surprised and would say that its children...
But I don't think I will have this many... which before I had planned to do. I will spread out the ages.
So usually my days have been spent going to paris or walking around saint germain. I am trying to know the town very well.
So my toushie is past the point of numbness and I am cold outside. But yes I have internet and will continue to post. Plus I am sure I forgot to include some things - there was a lot to say.
I love you all.


Je suis ici


plus que

premier jour

It won't let me add as many pictures as I want so I have to add them all slowly one blog at a time.