Tuesday, October 21, 2008

RIP Pearlita...

I got word the other night that little Pearlita died... in case you don't know I had two little rats. Ratika (I'm sorry Pearl) was amazing. She is still alive and well. I got her because I was having a bad day at college and so Nelson brought me to buy a friend, Voilia - Ratika. We later got Pearl to keep her company. Pearl was very cute and did many interesting tricks. She was like a monkey. They weren't getting enough attention after I had my child Mia (little runty runt kitten) so they moved homes down the street to Gracie, Jonah and Elle who play with them a lot and love them very much. But Rats life span isn't not a lot and I guess it was Pearls time. I love you Pearl, Bon Voyage!

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