Monday, October 20, 2008

Tu ma fais peur!

I love my professur! Etienne. After class while we are drinking our tea/coffee... hot coco we reflect on the awsomeness that is Etienne. The paitence. The cool movies he brings in. The paitence. He speaks english, spanish, germen, french and who knows what else. We just know that because there are english, germen and spanish ladies in the class and of course its all in french.
I love my class! So what is this strange picture above? Look closer. Etienne passes around photos that we break into groups to describe... it wasnt for my group but my friend Laura and Nicole and Pauline had it and showed it to me. Took me a while to see it. WOAH i know. He also brings in short french films. Those cute little artistic films that just make a point. My favorite is this old man that goes to the market and fills his bike basket with the tomatoes and fruit the vendors have thrown out that are rotting in the street. He then goes to a bridge that is over the Siene and beings to wave at the tourist on the boat. As they get closer he flips them off and begins to throw the rotting mess at them. Its hilarious. And hes laughing while he does this. Then he turns around and becomes bombarded by some asian touristest taking photos of him and he runs off with his bike to get away. Random. Hilarious.
So I lost my cell phone during the pub crawl. It fell out of my pocket in the bathroom of one of the bars as well as my money - why do the french have to make the smallest bathrooms with doors that open into the stall? So while I have to hold my coat and pull my pants down and money goes pouring and I was keeping more attention on my camera I walked out discombobled. So next day it is gone. I told Sarah tonight because I needed an alarm to wake me up and it wasnt a big deal at all I guess. But I have to wait till next month to buy a new phone for myself... lame.
Oh if you send me mail make sure to put their name FAVRE on it. Like "Amazing Annie/ C.O. Favre" or something like that. But by the name. As I discovered with fedex they couldnt get me my lovely package from my mother and father because it had annie temple on it. If you already sent something dont worry I will eventualy get it. The fedex thing is hilarious actually because they couldnt find the house for 4 days but they sent a letter in the mail to tell me that they couldnt find the house - so the letter got to me the 2nd day they tried but they couldnt get me the box? Bravo.
Anyhoo. thanks for reading my ranting. this started as a tribute to Etienne and my lovely class and turned into a short story.


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