Thursday, November 27, 2008

I feel like a poubelle

No comptuer again. But they got a comptuer so I have been using theirs at night to check my email. But this is good as I spend my nights eaither seeing my lads and ladies at the Pub or sitting in my room with a good french film - absorbing the language and actually being productive as making letters for family and friends or for my walls. But in the past few days I have contracted a new cold! Hoooray! number two in 3 months. I have been much harder on my body before this and not contracted a cold easily. Is it true that kids are crawling with germs and viruses? I cut back a lot on my cheese and dairy... they buy me soyja! But wow its pretty darn cold here. I have been wearing G-fathers russian fur hat. It goes well with my new french jacket I bought. I showed the hat to my russian friend Nelli and she said its quiet the big deal as its from THE SOVIET UNION. ge golly G-father, how did you get this hat? Mama, auntie anne, josi, kathy did G-father go to Russia during the Soviet Union and retrieve this wonder?
I have gotten many compliments on it!
I had the most lovely day with my friend Evan Miller's mother Shoshana. Pictures will be posted soon...ish. We went on a tour of Montmart and Sacre Cour. They took my poor toush out to lunch and we did some window shopping. I ended my day to have to return to the runts at the Champs Elyssay (sp? i know i should know it but i really dont care) where i had planned to meet with them again today and bring them some grapes but my sickly pauvre self couldnt get out of bed. I felt like I was going to gerbe...
So now I wish I could call my people on thanksgiving but I cannot as the telephones here are not working and my comptuer does not work and JP is gone... lame...
send me pictures of your festivites!
nick and jas i want to see Preston with some food in front of him... i guess he cant eat solid food yet?


1 comment:

Kristine said...

Hello my lovely cousin!! I'm really bad at staying in touch, I know. LIFE IS INSANE - in a good way! We had a nice Thanksgiving here with Germain's family and Dalilah. I had thursday and friday off of work so we went and got our Christmas tree (a real one of course - Germain and Dalilah's first!) and did all of our Christmas shopping! Dalilah and I also made sugar cookies from scratch - her first time - and of course they came out AMAZING. Now it's Tuesday and Thanksgiving seems so long ago ... it snowed 4 inches here yesterday and is supposed to snow 3 more inches tomorrow and continue to do so throughout the week! Happy December and Winter in Chicago! I am coming home for the week of Christmas, but I understand you'll be in Croatia. Will you get to see the new baby Evan?! What is with all of these great grand baby boys?! Preston looks so cute in Jasmine's blog - I'm excited to see him for the second time over Christmas. When will you next be home? You should fly through Chicago!! Well, I have to get back to work now - it's so hard being an adult sometimes ... I LOVE YOU.