I dont want to talk about it anyway. I will write a book some day or maybe after its all done with I can reflect on it and tell you if its a happy ending or a shitty one.
But lets see. The past few days when I wasnt dealing with my paper work to stay in this country I was mostly with my Alexis or with the children. Camille discovered the joy with me of popping black heads and zits! I was in the mirroring destroying my face and she asked what I was doing so I let her climb up on my back and watch the fascination and sheer excitment of finding these little land mines! She, than, exclaimed how badly she wants some.
Charlotte has cried to me the past two nights when I have put her to bed that she doesn't want me to leave which breaks my heart in tiny pieces every time.
Honestly I do love them very much. Thibault's tiny voice and ever since I pretended to cook him the other week every time I see him he asks me to cook him, "tu peux me cuissiner"? something like that. Ines the happiest baby in the world. When Charlotte and Camille get in violent fights (which is once every hour pretty much) I have to make up stories of Pirtates that I meet on Le Siene and play card games with and win gold but loose it all. It works really well while we would walk home from school rather than them screaming and me getting dirty looks from old women when the kids run into them. But excuse me granny there are three of them and I can't catch them all!
Sarah and Jean Phillippe really bug me and I just avoid them really. Well its easy with JP because hes never here but when he is its really akward... but it was always akward anyway.
So I move my stuff out tomorrow and into the new place on monday. Alexis is allowing me his place to store my crap till then. But he and I are looking forward to a relaxing weekend after this week of us running around in circles and him basically doing all the work for me. Really, I would not have gotten this far without him. I say "merci" every 5 seconds to him while staring deeply into his eyes.
Monday is my first day with the new family. THEY ARE BRINGING ME TO THE NUT CRACKER!!!!! IN FRENCH!!!!!!!! wow I was excited when she told me this. Every time I have gone over there I have loved them a million times more.
Alexis makes the best crepes. First he made these one day and he spent an hour just on the batter. I spent like 5 minutes when I made them - I just threw it all in a bowl et voila! So these were crepes because CREPE is specificaly for sweet ones; nutella, sugar, butter, jam... etc. Gallette is for salty ones - more for lunch. He made me the most amazing gallette in like 5 seconds. He put Rocerfert... I totally dont know how to spell it and I'm not even sure if that was the name but it was really stinky and moldy, but it melted real nice and he also put ham cheese and an egg on top. The egg surprised me but apprently its typical for a gallete. It was a few days ago I had this and I still can't get over it.