Wednesday, January 28, 2009


mmmmmmmmm its been long without a full account of what has been going on with me. Life here feel normal so it doesnt seem neccisary to always write about my days. However I will be starting my new school next week in Paris which I am very excited about! This way I will be in Paris when I am done with class and can go play and find more interesting things in Paris. There is always something interesting going on there and I need to take advangtage of every aspect of it.

Today is wednedays so Nataniel does not have school. Nathalie, Nataniel, Solal and I went into Paris for lunch at a sushi restuarant. It was amazing. We were going to go to a park but then Nathalie found out that Nataniel had to dress up for school on friday as a Prince which apperently is a big deal and I just figured we could make it out of clothes we already had. But no. We went and found a spciality shop just for this and he got a real prince's outfit. exciting. Wearing it just one time for some class thing. I am addicted to Desperate Housewifes.... she has all the seasons....

So once school starts I will be writing more about my adventures and the exhibits and things I see/taste.
Last night I ate real Moraccan food cause Nathalie had a dinner with her friends and their cook (Sorya who is Moracan) made an athentic meal!

love you all

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