Sunday, October 26, 2008


Yes we tried to get a picture of both of us.... but you know how it goes but you like how you look in the photo so you use it anyway...

Nicole and Antoinne in the front. I have the lazy eyes. Next to me Charlie, Alexandre, Fanny, and Eloise.

of course the photo doesn' show it but they were STILL ALIVE... so sad...

The second from the left you could see his/her? teeth
Squrew you braggerspot. Its made my photos out of order. I DEAMAND CONTROL. Oh well. wonderful wonderful wonderful day. I think its my favorite day since I have been here. I got to speak beaucoup francaise. We had a traditonal french sunday lunch. I met my favorite person Nicole at the market of my town - the market is amazing, so much to see and smell and taste. I bought 2 kilos of grapes. Have I mentioned the grapes? In the stories of the Greek Gods they eat ambrosia;


1. Classical Mythology. the food of the gods. Compare nectar (def. 3).
2. something especially delicious to taste or smell.

yes also the amazing 24 hour fruit salad my mother makes for thanksgiving. But anyway. I would put the grapes in the category of ambrosia. Honey is also in this catagory. But you hear of grapes in the bible and many stories of giving gifts of grapes and the reason why is because they ate grapes from Europe. I am sorry friends of the US who go to the store to buy grapes from California and what not - you are missing out. But I will devise a place to come back with this decatence when I return - they will travel with my on my carry on. I imagine myself with my pink old school suit case crammed with wine, champagne, grapes and bagguettes upon my return.
But yes anyway the 2 kilos of grapes was my contribution to the feast we had this afternoon. We met at the market to buy micsilanous items.
For this brunch/lunch meal it was Nicole, her boyfriend Antoinne, their friends Fanny her husband Charlie, Eloise her 8 month old son Maximise and husband Alexandre et moi.
For the apero we nibbled on grapes, salami, pate and olives with a delicous white wine. Then 'fruit de le mer' - fruit of the ocean - which is the broad term for seafood. We had a sort of musscle that tastes like the ocean - yes I can say this but its the expierence that makes you really understand. It really tastes like the ocean - salty.. but not too salty... but cold. Another sort of clam and shrimp but with all its skin on so you have to peel the thin shell off and dramatically pull off the head to reveal mush that I assumed was the brains...?
After, fried leeks with creme fresh and another musscle that comes from the shell that mermaids where as bras? And with another delicous red wine from france where an ancient group of poeple have been working on the vinyard where the Grandfather's name is Jules and his son is named Jules and his son is named Jules (you get the point. this is the example Antoinne told me). Yes they hand pick the grapes. Oh this is quiet the task as with most wines a machine does the work and in the making of the wine has branches and leaves mixed in. But obviously with handpicked grapes the wine is... oh you can only imagine...
THAN (oh yes there is more). The platterof cheese, 5 different kinds; bri, camabert, chevre... something simular to swiss and a blue cheese. This is with the grapes and baggutte. Watch Rattotouii (spelling? je ne sais pas).
PAUSE. Last night I went to Nicole and Antoinnes for dinner and helped the assemble their new Ikea table for this event today. I brought a wine that I found with the help of Jean-Phillpe (the father) and Antoinne was impressed and broke out the fromage for today to show me how the mixture of cheese with this specfic white wine makes... oh.... makes something amazing in your mouth.... from last night I truly understood so much about wine and cheese. I am sorry I forgot the name of the wine but I will find out... but it would be hard to get in the US...
PLAY. ok so watch Rattouii oui? Why? Because when the main character, the rat, tries to get his brother to understand (caitlin you know this) the amazingness of mixing cheese with I think a grape, it depicts the feeling pretty well for being disney... or pixar or whatever it is.
Than after the cheese, Charlie and Fanny's photos of their honeymoon on the Orient Express (oooooh's and awwws) some of us had cocktails (moi? grapfruit and a little bit of vodca) with chocolate cake and then Antoinne gave Nicole and I coconut and lemon sorbet with vodca.... (ooohs and awwws).
Ok yes you may think 'wow annie.. uh... you drank a lot' but with all this food you are just satisfied... because you are eating and drinking together. You maintain this... well in the sweidish call it Lagom and there is no word for this in any other language (I tried to find it but its ture, you can explain lagom but you can't put a word for it in any language). It means exactly not too much and not too little but perfect... perportional. I had my swedish friends explain it to me and its makes scence then. But yes, I was lagom.
After this we had another white wine and finshed the photos while enjoying some chocolate. Everyone left and I helped Nicole and Antoinne clean. Nicole and I went to the pub for a half pint of beer and took a stroll through the streets and then we parted our ways.
Nicole and I get along very well. I want her and Antoinne to come to Portland and after all the braggin I have done of the amazingness of Portland they are tempted to come, so they probably will. They are such a perfect couple. When I first hung out with both of them I felt like Carrie Bradshaw from Sex and the City when she vists her favorite couple for lunch (you know this if you are a fan). They are so good for each other. Antoinne is so charming and poilite and funny and easy. Nicole is from Germany and so giving and easy to talk with and LAGOM.
mmm... so yes I hope this entry has displayed at least some of the essence of the goodness the was today. It is late and I must care for babies all day tomorrow. I have a stupid cold that will not go away -maybe because I eat cheese? But put it in front of me and expect me to really say no?
Wednesday Nicole and Antoinne come over for dinner that I get to prepare myself this time. We are very excited!

Oh gosh so much love to all of you.


Saturday, October 25, 2008


My friend Victoria found out at 9 pm friday night that Justice was playing in Paris at Queen on the Champs Elysse. Got ready in 5 minutes to make it before the lines and waited forever for them to come on. How was it you ask? AMAZING.

Here they are playing my favorite song.

We got home at 5:30 am. Lovely night.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

I love Charlie Chaplin

If you havn't seen this movie you better go out and rent it now. Charlie Chaplin The Great Dictator. Its a sataire on Hitler and WWII. Things you should know: He made the movie before the world was over so therefore he didn't know how it would end. It sounds like he is speeking german but actually he isnt, he is just saying things that sounded german to him, which makes it hilarious. My friend Nicole who is german let me borrow it.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

My Gnomes have never been attacked like this before...

I just read an article on my BBC homepage about an all boys private school in Austrailia where 100 out of 250 of the boys ran throughout the town in only their tye as a g-string making a rucus. Apparently they were blind drunk. But my favorite part is this ladies comment;

It was disgusting, these young lads were urinating in my fish pond,and kicking over my gnomes. I have never seen anything like it, I have lived here for 28 years, and my gnomes have never been attacked like this before.
Sheila Outrigger, Melbourne

Jeese... kids these days are now attacking the gnomes...

BRIGHT NOTE! The family is going to London next week. WHOOOOOOOO I just have to watch the kids all day monday and tuesday than I have the hosue till friday and than I go to Brussles to see Annelies till monday. OH LOVELYNESS.
Dinner party in the works? I think so. Hay Caitlin, maybe you should start up that bake sale and come join? oui.


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

French Add Promoting Condoms

This is an excellent depiction of the children here - and yes my friends boyfriend said "french children are bad"

RIP Pearlita...

I got word the other night that little Pearlita died... in case you don't know I had two little rats. Ratika (I'm sorry Pearl) was amazing. She is still alive and well. I got her because I was having a bad day at college and so Nelson brought me to buy a friend, Voilia - Ratika. We later got Pearl to keep her company. Pearl was very cute and did many interesting tricks. She was like a monkey. They weren't getting enough attention after I had my child Mia (little runty runt kitten) so they moved homes down the street to Gracie, Jonah and Elle who play with them a lot and love them very much. But Rats life span isn't not a lot and I guess it was Pearls time. I love you Pearl, Bon Voyage!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Tu ma fais peur!

I love my professur! Etienne. After class while we are drinking our tea/coffee... hot coco we reflect on the awsomeness that is Etienne. The paitence. The cool movies he brings in. The paitence. He speaks english, spanish, germen, french and who knows what else. We just know that because there are english, germen and spanish ladies in the class and of course its all in french.
I love my class! So what is this strange picture above? Look closer. Etienne passes around photos that we break into groups to describe... it wasnt for my group but my friend Laura and Nicole and Pauline had it and showed it to me. Took me a while to see it. WOAH i know. He also brings in short french films. Those cute little artistic films that just make a point. My favorite is this old man that goes to the market and fills his bike basket with the tomatoes and fruit the vendors have thrown out that are rotting in the street. He then goes to a bridge that is over the Siene and beings to wave at the tourist on the boat. As they get closer he flips them off and begins to throw the rotting mess at them. Its hilarious. And hes laughing while he does this. Then he turns around and becomes bombarded by some asian touristest taking photos of him and he runs off with his bike to get away. Random. Hilarious.
So I lost my cell phone during the pub crawl. It fell out of my pocket in the bathroom of one of the bars as well as my money - why do the french have to make the smallest bathrooms with doors that open into the stall? So while I have to hold my coat and pull my pants down and money goes pouring and I was keeping more attention on my camera I walked out discombobled. So next day it is gone. I told Sarah tonight because I needed an alarm to wake me up and it wasnt a big deal at all I guess. But I have to wait till next month to buy a new phone for myself... lame.
Oh if you send me mail make sure to put their name FAVRE on it. Like "Amazing Annie/ C.O. Favre" or something like that. But by the name. As I discovered with fedex they couldnt get me my lovely package from my mother and father because it had annie temple on it. If you already sent something dont worry I will eventualy get it. The fedex thing is hilarious actually because they couldnt find the house for 4 days but they sent a letter in the mail to tell me that they couldnt find the house - so the letter got to me the 2nd day they tried but they couldnt get me the box? Bravo.
Anyhoo. thanks for reading my ranting. this started as a tribute to Etienne and my lovely class and turned into a short story.


Sunday, October 19, 2008

Faire des Copains...

Pub. Crawl.
Yes. 12 euros and you follow a group around Paris getting discounts on the drinks. Now my imagination before heading out to meet Sophie and Maddie was a cute little group of ten people - with their backpacks on and bursting with interseting stories of their jounries. I would bond with a few of them and we would devise a plan for me to escape these screaming demons I labor over and head out to Greece... Rome... Turkey... Austrailia. Of course these poeple are rich so they foot the bill for me!
No Annie... oh no... your imigaintion always gets the best of you...
After a lovely dinner with Sophie we met with her roomate and life partner Maddie! We got our rist bands and walked towards the first pub... it was crowded with many young adults... all who sounded american... or canadian... To give you another idea Sophie said "We will probably get invited to join a sorority by the end of the night". Oh well. Gung oh I say! Onward. Sophie Maddie and I decide we can be anyone we want to for the night! So I am January in Paris disocovering my Croatian families roots. Maddie is Ona (rymes with Luna) discovering her Irish roots. And Sophie is Yulie (rymes with julie?) ... discovering... what were you Sophie?
Anyway we walked with our MASSIVE group through the streets of Paris and make friends with some guys... I caught one name.. Taylor... the others were doned nik names - such as Football. He looked like he played football. And then throughout the night I would just call them Piere, Francois or Phillippe. They actually beieved our names!

I will not go into details how the night ended except that I made it saftly with the help of Football, Una, Yulie and Piere to Yulie's bed and awoke refreshed! I did talk to the tour guides and they said that I could get in touch with the tour people and take poeple on tours of Paris and do the pub crawl! OOOohhh awww.... no I would rather not transfer from 4 screaming children to 20+ drunken young adults. nightmare. But always keep options around oui?
So I went home early to make it to the market in Saint Germaine. Oh I love the market. I bought a cozy sweater! Than my sick body got very upset with me (I have been fighting a cold..) So I resigned to my bed for a lovely nap! Ate dinner. And now am trying to do my french homework but oh dam you blogspot!

Oh look I forgot about adding this photo from a few weeks ago...

Oh look I made a trip to the Looooouvre and what sights did I see!

Anyhoo. Je parle francais a demain! Je vais a la ecole avec mes amis! Oui, et apres nous boissission le cafe.... mangons les crepes peut etre? OUI.


Saturday, October 18, 2008

Gee Guys what do you think..?

Tatoos are addicting. We can all agree on this... but look at this new idea of mine; small though. and it continues with all the circles i have; where should it go? i will not be getting it anytime soon don't worry mom - and i will tell you way in advance this time before getting it. if this little man is unknown to you i suggest looking up his meaning on WikiPeada under "Leonoardo Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man" its mostly the meaning that caught me. maybe a little cheesy i dont know... but still its awsome. too bad the best tatoo artist isnt here to mark me up... no he resides in the best city....

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Allons enfants de la Patrie

Uh the BBC website is my new best friend. Above, from photos of the week. RINOS.
Oh and thanks changing weather climate, now freaky spiders - false black widow and soon the REAL one have made a home in England... Oh and a 106 American nun who lives in some nunnery in europe is voting for Obama - Take that Mc-lame ass- Cain.
Don't worry mother I am keeping up on the election! America you really suck, in case you didnt know. You don't see it from the outside (literally) - from here it looks like giant highschool clique drama - did you see the Paris Hilton video? go to but first see the add Mc-dum made against Obama on youtube about how he is the BIGGEST celebrity - than watch Paris.

Sorry to say I did not attend the Ethical Fashion Show so nothing to say about that. My stomache is really messed up to say the least. It's gotten better though. I hear that the milk here is not good... my friend Nicole and I were talking to this girl in our class who said that it has made her skin break out horribaly and Nicole said that she had been having stomache issues and made skin as well. So. GREAT. Just as I convince my body that I do not have an allergy to dairy the milk here is lame... oh well it doesn't stop me anyway. My skin is beautiful! HOORAY.
I go to Versaille again tomorrow to try AGAIN to get my long term stay card. This little ditty will allow me to live in France for a year. If this family start to physically abuse me I can run away to the South of france! Spain... Germany... Any place in Europe.
Not many thrilling things to write home about sorry.
But this afternoon was cute. Charlotte is my favorite child. I know thats a bad thing to say. But its really true. I love this girl. She is so cute all the time and the things that come out of her mouth crack me up. I got my box from my mother and father today and she included the Emergen C packets. You know this right? Vit-a-min C powder. Well I thought the kids would like it. So Charlotte and I took a walk to the library and I gave her one. She loved it. She kept telling me "i love this". I told her that my mom sent it to me to share with her,
"Oh, when you go back to your house tell her I say thank you"
But she says it so dam cutely. Watch the video of her reading. It was during this walk that I discovered I love her the most. It doesnt help that Camille hits me every night.. she looses a lot of points... shes really lame. She really just makes everything difficult.
If I have a boy I want him to be just like Thibault.
Ines puked a lot - Sara was trying to get her to eat a lot tonight so she wouldnt wake up in the middle of the night to be hungry. But she probably will now!

On the way back from the library with Charalotte she taught me two french songs and we sang them very load walking back to the house. tres tres tres bonne!
Ok its 1:30.
Thanks for reading about nothing really
I will have more to say next time I promise.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

adventures to come

I will be attending the Ethical Fashion Show this weekend. I met this guy... I think his hame is Yves Saint something... he said he liked my shoes and that I would totally love this show. Plus this group is playing called Balkan Beat Box and they are pretty sweet. (that is an understatment... if you can find the song called "Delancey (Stefano Miele Remix)" you get ancy in your pansty). So I guess this means I have to dress up. Than after Le Quartre Latin - ooos and awwws yes. Its my new favorite place in paris. Its for youngsters as myself - its where bohemia started.

Friday, October 3, 2008

bligga blagga

my walls are dull and blank. Send collages and letters to;
9 Boulevard Victor Huo
78100 St Germain en Laye

I promise I will send a return thank you letter!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008